Recommended Resources

We really love these resources because they helped us along the way and hope they will help you too. If you also have some useful content to share, do let us know and we will take a look and might even review it.

Job Boards For Freelance Writers

Our own listing of Freelance Writing Job Boards For Beginners

Income School Project 24

If you don't have a single clue how to start websites with a long-term mindset, you must look at the Income School Project 24 course. JIm and Ricky are the most candid and transparent (and still successful) people who are focused on giving specific, clear and helpful resources. Even you don't wish to sign up the course due to pricing or unsuitability, I would still recommend listening to their Youtube Channel as they are sharing great information from their experiences.

Link to Our Review on Income School Project 24


Frase is an upcoming content assistant in gathering related topics, statistics, news and questions for you to build the best and most helpful content to your readers. It is starting to figure search intention too.
Link to Our Review on Frase

Google Search Console

A must-have tool for any SEO webmaster by Google. The main reason that it is a must-have is because of the impressions data for your sites search terms which what are you getting ranked for.

It also provide accurate position, queries and clicks leading to your websites. We even used it with Google Data Studio (for more advanced users) to create a simple dashboard on all our websites.

Link to Google Search Console