3 free online design tools for churches

There are tons of free design tools but which are those catered or useful for ministry, churches projects or sermon graphics? We chose 3 of the most useful (which was also used to make the above image in 5 seconds, imagine how much you can improve it if you spent more time!).
Here's the top 3 free online design tool for churches that we loved:-
- Canvas
- Pexel Church Search
- Freely Photos
Canvas is a general application but they are really easy to use. Besides, they have a wide range of ever-changing templates (including for sermons but limited) and fonts. They also catered for all kind of media sizes and custom dimensions too.
You just need to drag and drop images or key your text overlay like a Word editor. Just note their limitations for free account:-
- export picture with transparency is not allowed (but you shouldn't be needing it)
- cannot resize your media after creation (you can easily create a new size and copy over your media)
There is also an annoying screen whenever you download your image. We don't like it but well Canvas is really FREE and powerful even for those who aren't good at design. You can just treat it as an advertisement as your image is still downloaded automatically and can just close your window.
Pexels Church Search
Pexels is another general application that isn't really built for church projects. But we found that they have an extensive range of photos and you might find high quality photos of your interest.
There is also no need to register or worry about copyright so just search and download. It is recommended to accredited the photographers though if you can.
Freely Photos
At last, a site meant totally for churches. Freely Photos contains medias highly related to churches. You can find photos by categories like bibles, prayer and worship. It is highly recommended for you to find inspiration related to churches.
Others sites not in listing
We found other sites related to churches which we shortlisted too but fall short because the need of registration or not that relevant. There are not recommended unless you found something you really like or have time to go deeper. The list includes
- Life.Church Open
- CreationSwap
- Pixel Preacher Freebies
- Saltful
- Seeds
Whatever design tools you choose, we hope you can create the most stunning media and photos to attract and entice your group. We also love design at Vertical Template and would continue to work on them.